Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mt. Jefferson (5,712 ft) 9-9-23

Distance: 5.19 mi.
Elevation: 2,696 ft. (Overall) 2,829 ft. (Total)
Time: 3:05 (summit) 5:28 (total)
Trails: Caps Ridge Trail

This year for Flags on the 48 our group picked Mt. Jefferson, which we have done before 10 years ago. Just like last time, we planned to go up the Caps Ridge Trail as it is the shortest and most direct route to the summit. It has some steep and rocky sections, but means we have to carry the pole and other equipment a shorter distance. This year however, the weather was throwing us a big curve ball. The forecast called for cloudy skies early with thunderstorms and heavy rain likely for later in the day. Because of this, we planned to be at the trailhead for 6am and with boots on the trail shortly after that. Our plan was to fly the flag early, then be headed down the mountain before weather got real bad. Of course, mother nature didn't read the forecast and decided to do something completely different.

We were on the trail at roughly 6:15am with some damp conditions after the rain that came through the state early last night. With the combination of the cloudy skies and early start, it also wasn't very light out yet. We made good progress and were at the viewpoint at the potholes rocks approximately 1 mile up the trail by 7am. Ten years ago we had no view from this point, but today we at least had a little bit of a view. It was still cloudy, but the clouds were just above us and there was what looked like some clearing off in the distance to the west. This gave us some hope that it might clear up some instead of just being cloudy for the day.

Some clearing at the potholes

As we continued up we worked our way up into the clouds more and conditions stayed damp. This made some of the rocky scrambles trickier than normal. Adding in carrying a pole and trying to get a dog up some of these spots added to the challenge of today's hike. Once we were up to the junction with the Cornice Trail we were really in the clouds and it was starting to rain lightly. Before too much longer I was putting on my rain jacket and covering my pack. Through this section we all started to get a bit more spread out working at our own pace in the wet conditions. Once at the summit I put on my rain pants too and found a place to put my pack where it wouldn't get wet.

Finding a way up the steep rocks

Hiking into the clouds

We worked on getting the flag up as quick as we could with the wind and rain making things more difficult for us. We had the flag up well before 11am (with the goal of the event being from 12 to 2pm) and were all gathering out of the wind as much as possible. As the day continued on, the wind died down a little bit and the rain soon stopped. We started to see a glimspe of nearby peaks as well from time to time. As even more time passed, the clouds started to clear more around us and were starting to get better views. We could see the nearby peaks and undercast clouds in the surrounding valleys. Before it was time to pack up, it became apparent that the weather forecast was basically backwards and instead of rain coming later in the day, it happened early and then things cleared up nicely for the afternoon.

The flag is up

A brief view of Mt. Adams

Our flag at the summit

The view to the west over the clouds

Peaks to the north in the clear

After we picked up we hiked down at a nice casual pace with the weather being so nice. We were having fun telling stories and discussing the day while making sure we were careful hiking down over the steep or rocky sections of trail. We took another good break at the potholes before finishing out hike and getting into more comfortable clothes and dry footware. Most of us also went to the after party in Littleton as well to enjoy some food and find some of the Flags opn the 48 beer.

Hiking back down

Google Earth representation of the hike

Partial group photo taken by another hiker after we got the flag up

For all the pictures from the hike, just go HERE

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