Elevation: 2,139 ft. (Overall) 2,859 ft. (Total)
Time: (With a 7 yr old setting the pace) 3:08 (Webster) 4:57 (Jackson) 8:31 (Total)
Trails: Webster Jackson Trail, Webster Branch, Webster Cliff Trail, Jackson Branch, Webster Jackson Trail
Even though she has only done a handful of peaks on her 52 With A View list so far, my oldest daughter has been wanting to try and hike a 4000 footer. So today's hike of Mt. Webster and Mt. Jackson seemed like a good fit. We could get her another 52WAV peak and if she made it that far it wouldn't be too hard of a hike to get her up Mt. Jackson as well.
Leaving Crawford Notch the trail starts off pretty gentle and then works into a couple steep and rocky sections. Liliana did great with this and enjoyed picking her own route through the rocks. The early fiew from Bugle Cliff was nice spot for a short break and snacks. It also showed her how far we had already come. I challenged her to find my truck in the now filled area along route 302... it is foliage season after all.

Liliana climbing a steep rocky section

View from Bugle Cliff
We made great progress up to the split of the Webster Jackson Trail and had played leap frog with a few other families doing similare hikes to us today. Going up Mt. Webster first we went right at the split and carefully worked our way down the steep section of trail that leads to the brook crossing and waterfall. This was another great spot to take a break for some pictures and a well earned snack. The trail is steep to start going back up for the crossing so a small rest would help get a 7 year old up the next bit of trail. She enjoyed trying to sneak some of my trail mix while I took pictures anyways.

Waterfall just after the split of the Webster/Jackson branches
The trail keeps climbing steadily up to the ridge before Mt. Webster. Liliana did great going over the mixture of rocks and smooth trail and we made good time given her shorter legs. Once we got up to the ridge she was getting excited to hit our first peak of the day and to see our view into and across Crawford Notch. Picking your way over the rocks to get to the actual summit was a bit tricky because there are a few extra paths and some large rocks to climb over. There could be a couple extra painted blazes up there to help out.

Getting closer to Mt. Webster
While on the summit we enjoyed a big rest and a surprise snack that I didn't tell Liliana about... big chocolate chips cookies. Liliana enjoyed the great views and me pointing out other peaks and points of interest to her. There were a few Gray Jays around as well begging for food and eventually we were able to get a couple of them to come eat of Liliana's hand. She was a bit nervous when they first landed, but she thought it was really cool even though their feet feel a bit funny on your hand.

Crawford Notch from Mt. Webster

Presidential Range from Mt. Webster

Gray Jay begging for food
Liliana was feeling good still so we decided to continue on with our plan of heading over to Mt. Jackson for her first 4000 footer. The trail between the peaks is pretty easy and only gets steep towards the end going up the last bit to Mt. Jackson. Liliana enjoyed seeing the different types of plants and mushrooms as well as another pair of Gray Jays. The few bog bridges and short steep drops or climbs added some nice variety too and she was also excited when we got to those.

Nice easy hiking between the peaks
We made good time between the peaks for how big of a hike this was for Liliana. She got even more excited as we neared the summit of Mt. Jackson as she had been looking forward to getting her first 4K. When we got to the stop she was super happy even though the clouds had come in more on our way over. We had more of our cookies and met some nice people including one very friend dog and his owner. Liliana was able to get the dog to do a couple tricks for snacks. She was also able to see someone finish their NH 48 4Ks on the same peak she was starting hers on.

Liliana enjoying a snack and the summit of Mt. Jackson

Liliana celebrates her first 4K

The clouds coming in and getting lower
After enjoying the summit for quite a while, we had to figure out what route we were going to use to descend back to the truck. We could go back down the steep and rocky Jackson branch of the Webster Jackson Trail or we could try to hike over to the Mizpah Hut and use the Mizpah Cutoff Trail and descend the smoother but longer Crawford Path. At this point I knew that either way we went we would likely need a headlamp by the end of the hike. Liliana really liked the idea of hiking to the hut as she wanted to see it and I liked that idea as well (I know how slow she goes down steep and rocky trails). But as I went through my pack making sure of what I had for headlamps I found that I had forgot my second headlamp that I thought was in my bag and only had one. If I had both I was planning to got to the hut and then down, but with only the one lamp for both of us, I decided that taking the shorter route would be better in hopes that we could get back closer to the truck before we needed to share it.

A rocky descent
The descent from Mt. Jackson went as I was expecting and was at times almost painfully slow. Liliana did great at being careful coming down the steep rocks off of the summit and then over the very rocky terrain after that. Her shorter legs come down those bigger rocks slower than I am use to, but I was still happy since Liliana didn't rush and do anything that would have caused her to trip or get hurt. This was why I was liking the idea of going down by going to the hut so we could have avoided this section of trail. I guess I need to do a better job checking my pack before hiking with someone else. At least I carry the one headlamp as an extra at all times. After the trail joins back up with itself we made better time. I reminded Liliana we should try to make good time before we needed the headlamp as we would slow down after that. She did good at keeping moving when needed, but her feet and legs were getting a bit tired. In the dark we found a method that worked well for lighting the trail for both of us and we made the last push out to the truck. It was time to take our boots off and get some supper on the way home after a big high five celebrating Liliana's first 4K and her biggest hike yet.

Google Earth representation of the hike
For all the pictures from the hike, just go HERE
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