Elevation: 2,350 ft (overall) 2,573 ft (total)
Time: 0:43 (3 Rocks) 2:45 (Summit) 3:57 (3 Rocks) 5:39 (Total)
Trails: Haystack Road, Bushwhack
The next peak to check of the New England Hundred Highest list would be Peak Above the Nubble. Unfortunately while other roads were opening up for the summer, Haystack Road was still closed. This meant a an easy walk out the road as a warm up. After some walking and then a long straightaway, the road starts to drop a bit through a couple corners and that is where the infamous three rocks are that block the end of the fire road where the bushwhack begins.

If you have to walk the road, the three rocks are shortly after this sign and straightaway

The three rocks
I didn't check the distance, but the walk up the forest road isn't too long. At a small clearing with an exposed banking of dirt you bear to the right and soon after that you will reach the herd path that leaves to the right. It is marked by a small cairn that is slightly obscured by the branches of the saplings around it. The path at this point is easy to follow with a worn trail on the ground and enough room between the branches to easily walk.
The herd path leads into an old clear cut that many past trip reports mention. I wasn't sure how bad to expect this to be, but it wasn't bad at all. It appears that some trimming of trees has been done through here over the years to keep the path open. After this, the more traditional bushwhack begins.

Bear right at the small clearing

Small cairn where the herd path leaves the forest road
After the old cut the woods open back up and the path again is still pretty easy to follow. There were a couple small blow downs along the way, but nothing that couldn't be easily hiked around. You just need to look for the herd path again once on the other side. The herd path also appeared to split a couple times. One of these times the path leading to the left lead to it small outlook where it clearly ended. There were also a couple spots where it seemed to split just to rejoin again a bit later. For the most part it seemed that taking the path on the right would be the best way to stay on the herd path to the summit.

Herd path above the old cut

Herd path through open woods
As you near the false peak before the true summit, the trees start to get thicker. Again, I still found the path pretty easy to follow though. It even goes over and old blow down that is a great example of how the grain of a tree can twist the length of the tree rather than stay straight. The false summit nice small open spot just off the main herd path that has decent views including one showing just how close you are to the summit.
Just before the summit the path levels out. After another short push through thicker trees, you will come to the small opening where the summit canister and two signs are. There is enough room here for a small group of hikers. On your left is the short path that leads out to the edge of the summit where there is a patch of shorter trees and a bit of an outcropping you can stand on. From here there are some great views over to the Twins and Hale. In the distance you can also make out the Willey Range and the Presidential Range as well as a nice view north towards Waumbek and Cabot.

Steep herd path in the spruce

View of the summit from false peak

Just before the summit

Summit Area

Path from the summit to the viewpoint

Summit view

Summit View of North Twin
On the descent I followed almost the same path to start. With the woods pretty open, I wasn't too concerned if I wandered off the herd path because I knew it was still pretty easy hiking and I would likely find it again. If nothing else I did have my GPS track from ascent now too. Above the old clear cut I wandered to the right to work my way around it. I had seen some trip reports where others did this and said it was pretty easy going. I was also a bit ahead of schedule and was in the mood for exploring. I found some short saplings and other things to push through or go around, but this route went pretty smoothly and before too long I was back onto the herd path shortly before it comes back to the forest road. After this it was a pretty easy hike back to the truck.

Google Earth representation of the hike
For all the pictures from the hike, just go to my gallery on SmugMug
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