Elevation: 2,204 ft (overall) 2,738 ft (total)
Time: 2:44 (North Peak) 2:52 (South Peak) 3:07 (North Peak) 4:57 (Total)
Trails: Doubletop Mtn Trail
On my last visit to Baxter State Park, I had asked rangers what their favorite hikes in the park were. Multiple rangers said Doubletop was their favorite. Adding that to the fact that I liked the look of the mountain as soon as I saw it, and this hike become the second hike that I really wanted to get done during this trip to the park. After resting yesterday, I was ready to tackle the hike on a day that looked like it was going to have perfect weather.
The trail starts at Nesowadnehunk Campground and is easy to find past the ranger station. It turns left heading past some campsites and then further into the woods. It good footing (except a couple muddy spots) with a gradual incline almost all the way until it nears Doubletop Brook. As you near the brook, the trail starts downhill gradually, then steeply just before the brook.

Early section of trail

Doubletop Brook
After the brook is where the real climb begins. For most of the remaining distance to the summit, the trail heads steeply uphill. It's a mix of good footing, eroded sections with small rocks and roots exposed, and big rocks that you must climb up and over. The only real break comes about a mile before the summit where there is a nice section of nearly level trail. In this section, you'll even see a sign next to the trail letting you know there is a mile to go. My only real guess as to why this sign is here is because some people might think they are at the high spot and turn around without actually reaching the summit. It's the only time I can think of seeing a sign giving distance that wasn't at an intersection or trail head.

Steep rocky section of trail

One mile before the summit
On the map, this trail doesn't look as steep as it actually seems. But since I had all day to get this hike done, I kept hiking along and in the end it didn't seem that bad. The trail is certainly more rugged than I expected, but it was still an enjoyable hike going up.
The north peak (highest of the two) has nice views, especially of the bigger peaks in the park. But after a short rest here, I wanted to head across the ridge to the south peak. It's only 0.2 miles with very little elevation change. It's an interesting piece of trail as it mostly follows the ridge. It goes around some very large rocks and over some others. It's both in the trees and exposed in some places. There is one spot just before the south peak though where the trail is a bit narrow and goes over the rocks at the top of the ridge with no protection from the steep drop and hillside next to it. If you are bothered by heights, this spot could be a bit unnerving.

View from the north peak

South peak from the north peak
The south peak however has tremendous views in all directions. There was lots to look at today since there were very view clouds. Plenty of mountains and lakes around. The view back up the ridge is interesting as well. After a nice long break here, I headed back to the north peak where I took another break and some more pictures. On the way back to the north peak I also noticed a plaque that I had missed in the other direction. The rest of the hike down went as expected. More hikers were starting to make their way up the mountain. Doubletop Brook made for a good place to splash water on my face and head to cool down, but I was really looking forward to swimming in the river at Ledge Falls instead.

View west from the south peak

Looking at the north peak through a crystal ball

Plaque on one of the large rocks along the ridge

Looking over towards the Brothers

Route for the day
For all the pictures from the hike, just go HERE
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