Elevation: 933 ft (Overall) 949 feet (Total)
Time: 1:22 (Summit) 2:29 (Total)
Trails: Bald Mtn Trail
My family and I were in Maine camping for the week leading from June into July. While there, we thought it would be nice to do a smaller hike than I normally do so that we could bring our 14 month old daughter with us. After a bit of research, I decided Bald Mountain in Oquossoc would be nice to try. It didn't look like it would be too long or too steep. And 360 degree views from the summit tower of the surrounding lakes and mountains sounded good.
There are two trail heads for the mountain. We choose the one on Bald Mountain Road as it would be a bit more direct. The trail starts off being quite gentle with only a little incline. Footing is nice to start. It soon starts to have some roots in the trail, and today it was a bit wet which made for just a little mud. Further up the trail gets muddier and the roots are replaced with rocks. Watching where you step can keep your feet dry without leaving the trail. The sign at the trail head did mention the trail and be wet and slippery.

Easy trail to start

Our daughter enjoying her first hike
As the trail goes on it gradually gets a bit steeper, but it's never truly steep. The trail also becomes rockier. The small stepping stones in the mud get replaced with open slabs of rock and larger rocks to step across or around. Most any tricky spot has a easier way to get up it as well though. Since we got a relatively early start, we hadn't seen many people hiking yet, but were starting to see a few headed down already. shortly before the summit, the mountain levels off some and you get a nice easy walk to the base of the tower.

Some rocky terrain on the trail

Rangeley Lake

View southwest of Lake Mooselookmeguntic

Summit tower
The summit is nice with some open areas and a few picnic tables. The tower is easy to climb with stairs and doing so provides views in all directions. The neighboring mountains and lakes can be seen very well. After letting our daughter run around some outside of her hiking pack and all of us having something to eat, we decided it was time to head down. As we were packing up, the summit was getting busier as more people showed up.
The hike down went smoothly with some care taken on the wet rocks to make sure we didn't fall while carrying our daughter in her pack. As we neared the bottom, our daughter was getting tired and decided that should could take her morning nap now.

A tired little hiker
Bald Mountain is a nice little peak. It's a short hike for any experienced hiker, but provides great views. I think this is great as a family hike or for beginners. The reward is high for the effort put in. Seeing many families while we were hiking helped to prove this point.
For all the pictures from the hike, just go HERE
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