Elevation: 2,273 ft (overall) 2,568 ft (total)
Time: 2:19 (Dorset Peak) 2:35 (South Peak) 3:52 (Total)
Trails: Woods Roads, Snowmobile Trails, Herd Path
Dorset Peak has no official hiking trail to the summit, but luckily does have old woods roads and snowmobile trails that can lead you over the summit. I started off by trying to drive up Tower Road past the last house and driveway. Being in my Corolla, I didn't venture too far up before I found a place I could park on the side out of the way of any hunters or other people with a more proper vehicle. I should have just parked at a nice spot on the side just after the last house. While I didn't want to take my car any further up, the walking on the road was very easy. A slight incline with solid footing. Eventually you do reach a section of road that has washed out in the past. Some of the trail reports I found mentioned a herd path going around this, but it has been fixed up enough that equipment or a jeep could probably drive up it again. Being dry, I just walked up this section of road. There is one small brook to cross on this road, but it was easy to hop over using a couple rocks. This brook was just before the old hunting cabin many other hikers mention in their reports. At the crossing I thought I could see some debris that would be around the cabin, but it turned out to be the cabin. It appears that the cabin has fallen over to one side.

Washed out section of road

The hunting cabin has now fallen over
After the remains of the cabin, the climb really starts. It's still on an old woods road, but it gets steeper. There are a number of nice water bars in the road, but I found out that some of them were almost knee deep with fallen leaves on the back side. This made for some unsure footing as you couldn't really tell how far down you needed to step. The road continued in this manor until shortly before the height of land. It levels out a bit before the intersection and starts to get narrower. It's still very easy to follow though.

The climb to the height of land

Turn right at the "T" intersection here (marked by cairn)
At the "T" intersection at the height of land, there are two cairns to help you know you need to turn to the right. This route heads uphill from the intersection (the other direction heads downhill) at a more gentle incline. After about 1/4 mile, there is an ATV/snowmobile trail that heads uphill to the right. There is also a small cairn marking this turn. I headed up this trail, even though some trip reports indicate you can also go straight here.

Head right up to the ridge here
This trail starts off steep, but gets you closer to the ridge quickly. As it levels out some, you pass the herd path to the south peak and the old tower. This is also clearly marked with a cairn. Wanting to hit the main summit first, I skipped the herd path. Soon I was at the well know door knob junction. To the right is the tower, straight was a trail I didn't explore, and left is the route leading to the summit and then the north peak. The door knobs are on a tree here at the intersection on the left.

The doorknobs
I headed to the main summit following a bit narrower trail now. The grade was gentle though as there isn't anything steep left to climb. The trail did have some mud on it, but it was mostly frozen over and firm. You could easily go around it too. Along the ridge is another intersection with a couple signs and a cairn. You'll want to head straight through this. In 2/10 of a mile (according to a sign here), you'll be at the summit. The canister is on a tree right in the trail, and the old cabin remains are right next to the trail. This makes it easier to know you have reached the right spot.

Dorset Summit

Miles the Mountain Monkey on the old cabin remains
After some time at the summit, I headed back to the door knob junction. I went straight through it up to the south peak. It was a short and easy hike to tower from the junction. There isn't much to see here other than the remains of the tower. It isn't very tall, but easily would have seen over the trees. The ATV trail seems to loop around the tower and turn back here, not continuing any further. As you enter the open area though, there is a herd path leading downhill to your right.

South Peak
After a quick break at the tower, I headed down the herd path. It was easy to follow and it is easy to get around the two blow downs along it. About the time I was wondering if it wasn't any quicker to actually take this path down, I popped out onto the ATV trail at the cairn. The herd path was a short steep decent that did end up saving a bit of time.

The bottom of the herd path
From the herd path down, it was easy hiking. I was actually surprised when I got back to the "T" intersection and found a couple hikers there. I didn't expect to see anyone at all today. I was even more surprised when the rest of their group showed up. We all chatted briefly as I reassured them of how to get to the summit since I had just come from there. All the way back to the car though, I didn't see anyone else.
For all the pictures from the hike, just go HERE