Elevation: 1,909 ft (overall) 3,152 ft (total)
Time: 2:48 (NE Cannon Ball) 7:13 (Total)
Trails: Lonesome Lake Trail, Kinsman Ridge Trail, Fishin' Jimmy Trail, Lonesome Lake Trail
With the forecast being for hazy skies and possible rain showers, it was a good day to grab another NEHH peak that wouldn't have much for views. Unfortunately, the forecast was also for hot temperatures and higher humidity. This made the hike go a bit slower than normal with more and longer stops. Also, plenty of fluids to carry in my pack while traversing the ridge.
The hike from the parking lot to Lonesome Lake isn't all that bad normally, but today it was a bit uncomfortable. You could just tell the humidity was high this morning and I was sweating significantly early on. The trail itself is somewhat gradual with a long switchback built into it. A bit rocky in places due to the traffic it sees, but leveling off nicely before the lake. Only a few others were out this early with a couple just going up to the lake and then back down. Getting to the lake, it appears that materials have been dropped off for some new bog bridges.

Supplies at the lake

View at the lake with overcast skies
Continuing around the lake, the trail is mostly on bog bridges. These ones are still good, so they aren't likely the ones being replaced. As the trail leaves the lake though, that is when you find the bog bridges I expect are going to be replaced. Many of them in this section are getting pretty bad. As you get further from the lake though, the trail gets steeper and you lose the bog bridges all together. However, it gets pretty rocky and stays kind of steep for a while. Today there was also water in many places and damp rocks from the morning and the humidity. The trail does level out some again shortly before its end at the Kinsman Ridge Trail

A bit steep and rocky
Heading south on the Kinsman Ridge Trail (KRT), you head steeply up the NE Cannon Ball. It stays like this most of the way up, helping you gain elevation quickly. Once up near the summit, the trail levels out. I walked back and forth here a bit while looking at my GPS to help me decide which rock or opening was the actual high point. I didn't notice any cairns and didn't expect there to be a sign. With limited views over the trees and hazy skies in all direction, I didn't spend much time here. I changed into a dry shirt, had a snack, and took a few pictures.

View from the summit
Heading south along the KRT goes pretty well for a while. It isn't as steep as coming up the NE Cannon Ball and appears to see less traffic, so it isn't as worn. There are a few wooden steps/ladders in a couple steep spots to help out as well. Since you go behind the second Cannon Ball, the trail is a pretty steady decline over some rocky patches and some wet patches. I took a short break at a nice spot that had a bit of an opening to the north.

Limited view from the trail
Eventually you hit a small brook crossing and the start of the steep climb up the third Cannon Ball. This starts off rocky, but gets better as you get higher. The map makes it look like you might not go all the way up and over the summit here, but it seems in reality that you do. I was hoping for a bit less gain here, but didn't get it. After the high point, the trail has a couple more ups and down with the ups being a bit longer as you work your way up to the next intersection. Once there, it's mostly downhill back to the parking lot.

Climbing the 3rd Cannon Ball
Of course this means going down the Fishin' Jimmy Trial, which many consider rough and difficult. If nothing else, a little less enjoyable than most trails. The trail is steep and rocky for the first half as you descend. There has been some nice stone work since I was last here and the existing wooden steps added to the smooth rocks help. I didn't find it too bad going down today, but heard from another going up that he fell multiple times on the slick rocks. The second half of the trail is much smoother and more gradual. It does have some short climbs up though before you reach the lake. Today, this was the section that I seemed the slowest on. I think I was just getting too hot coming back down into the lower elevations and not drinking quite enough fluid.

Wooden steps on the Fishin' Jimmy Trail
I stopped at the hut to have some nice cold water and take a break. I also filled my bottles in case my water bladder ran out on the descent. Any extra could also be used to wash off at the car or just dump over my head to refresh myself. Heading from the hut to the car went pretty quick, even though there was much more traffic now than this morning. I've done this descent a few times and it's easy to carry a bit faster pace after resting at the hut. It also seemed to go quicker as I caught up to a few people that were good to talk too as we all headed down.

View from the porch on the hut
In the end, the hike went well considering the hot temps. I've bonked hard in similar weather before near the end of the hike, but today I kept a more casual pace with more breaks and drank plenty of water. In the end, I probably drank about 4.5-5 quarts of water while hiking and stopped at the hut.
For all the pictures from the hike, just go HERE

Map of the hike
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