Elevation: 905 ft (overall) 1,319 ft (total)
Time: 1:18 (Summit) 2:13 (Total)
Trails: ATV Trails, Border Swath
I drove into Canada on Route 27. With 3 questions asked, it was less than a minute to get into Canada. I then drove into Gosford Park and stopped at the gate house. The ranger got there just before me, so it appears they open at 8am. It cost $10.25 to get in, but I got away with $10 because I didn't have a quarter. They will only give change in Canadian currency, so be prepared. I then followed the park road to the turn for the short road to the gravel pit. The park road wasn't too bad, just some potholes to slow down for. The road to the gravel pit was rougher and would require care with a car. There is a small grassy parking area on the left though about 50 feet past the start of it if you don't want to risk it. All the signs on the road and in the park are in French, so have some idea where you are going ahead of time. The only obvious one is for Gosford itself.
I took the ATV trail leaving the back right of the gravel pit. It forks very quickly and I took a right on the more well used path. This crosses a small brook where I only had to put my feet a couple inches into the water. The trail then heads up steeply over loose rock for a while. It bears left some before leveling out a bit and soon becoming very easy. I saw a deer just into the trees here, but it was too thick to get a picture. The ATV trail leads directly to the border swath. Tracks go both ways on the border, but to the left is much more used. This is the way you want to go.

Steep ATV trail at the start

Border swath
I then followed the border over a couple ups and downs to the summit. There is a good sized cairn on the right of the border swath with some flagging. The canister is a few feet into the woods on the US side and can be seen from the swath.

Boundary Peak in sight

Summit canister
On the way back, I retraced my steps. The turn back into the woods is very easy to spot. It has a wide opening, flagging, small cairn, and obvious signs of ATV travel.

Boundary post

Upper section of ATV trail

Google Earth representation of the hike
For all the pictures from the hike, just go HERE
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