Elevation: 3,066 ft (overall) 3,488 ft (total)
Time: 3:25 (Summit) 5:52 (Total)
Trails: Stony Brook Trail, Carter-Moriah Trail
This year for Flags on the 48 I didn't sign up to hike with my normal group. Having a set goal for the year, I didn't want to use up a hiking weekend on a peak I had already done this year. So I just picked a peak I hadn't hiked this year that I wanted to for the event. The group for Mt. Moriah was coming in from another direction than I wanted to, so I decided I would just be a spectator this year.
I got a bit of a delayed start to the Stony Brook Trail head this morning, but since I didn't have to be up to the summit for noon, that was fine. The trail starts about 50 feet up the road from the parking area and immediately crosses the river on a nice bridge. It then works along the side of the river over pretty gentle terrain. It does work uphill away from the river briefly before coming back down to cross it. The crossing today was as easy as could be.

First river crossing
After the crossing, the trail follows an old logging road. This makes for a smooth trail and gentle grades. Higher up this section, the trail crosses a couple small brooks. One crossing looks like it could be slippery when wet as the open rock is covered with moss, but hikers have made a workaround for this spot. After the next crossing, the trial turns to the right and heads uphill more steadily.

Crossing of a currently dry brook
Climbing more steadily now, the trail gets a bit more rocky at times, but not overly bad. It does a little bit of a switchback coming up to the ridge as well. Once on the ridge, the trail goes between short climbs and level spots as it works towards the summit. There are open areas along the trail scattered in here as well that provide good views around.

First open spot on the ridge

Interesting clouds over the Presidential Range
As I was nearing the summit, I was in an open section and could see it. I noticed the flag was just getting raised up. I looked at my watch and saw it was 11:58, two minutes before they flag needed to be raised. Good timing by the group bringing it up.

Flag flying on the summit
Just before the summit is the steepest part of the ascent. The Carter-Moriah Trail quickly climbs up some steep rocks before getting to the short path over to the summit. I spent a fair amount of time at the summit and helped the group take down their flag after chatting with them. I then headed back down the same route I came up. Everything went well knowing what the terrain was like. Further down towards the bottom, it started to rain though. Luckily it wasn't raining too hard and I made it to my car without getting very wet.
For all the pictures from the hike, just go HERE
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