Wednesday, November 26, 2014

North Tripyramid (4,180 ft) & Middle Tripyramid (4,140 ft) 7-10-14

Distance: 8.31 mi.
Elevation: 2,802 ft. (overall) 3,116 ft. (total)
Time: 3:25 (up to Middle Tripyramid) 6:10 (total)
Trails: Pine Bend Brook Trail, Mt. Tripyramid Trail

The trail starts off right on the side of the road with the only real parking area of the ditch. The trail starts off very easy and only gains a little bit in the first parts. It follows along next to a brook for a ways before making several crossings over it and others. These were all easy today and the rocks on the edges of the steep ones have been moved around to help the hikers out. After going on for a quite a while, the trail finally starts to get a little steeper before entering into the Sandwhich Range Wilderness. Soon after entering, the trail goes up steeply and becomes very rocky while following the side of a ravine. This goes on for a little while and can be a bit tricky in places. You are stepping from large rock to large rock in many spots.

Part of the section following the ravine

Once you get to the top of the ravine, you cross over it and start to head up to the left. The trail is still quite rocky here but soon turns into dirt and roots. After climbing for a while you reach the Scaur Ridge and follow along that for a while with a limited view to your left that looks out to Mt. Washington.

Limited view along Scaur Ridge

Getting to the end of the ridge the trail heads back uphill again tot eh summit of North Tripyramid. The trail is steep in places and heads up and over many large rocks and slabs in the trail. Being try today this wasn't too hard to negotiate as long as you plan on where to put your feet ahead of time. The steepest part of this section is just before the summit. Views to the South are blocked in by the trees, but there is a short path to a nice view to the North behind the summit cairn.

View to the North from North Tripyramid

Heading down into the saddle between the two peaks is pretty easy and goes along quick. The middle of this section is quite easy and pretty flat. After the trail junction, things start heading back up and soon start to get steep and somewhat rocky. After a little more climbing you get onto the top of the mountain and pass a view to your right just before the actual summit. The summit as a good view to the Northeast and the view you passed just before the summit provides a great view to the Southwest.

Between the peaks

View Northeast from Middle Tripyramid

View to the Southwest from Middle Tripyramid

After chatting with a couple other hikers, having something to eat, and taking in the views, I started heading back over the same route to the truck to head home.

Osceolas to the West

A toad trying to hide in some Partridge Berry (I think that is what it is)

Small white flowers low on the trail

For all the pictures from the hike, just go HERE

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