Monday, November 24, 2014

Mt. Moriah (4,049 ft) 3-15-11

Distance: 8.14 mi.
Elevation: 3310 ft.
Time: 4:05 (base to summit)
Trails: Carter-Moriah Trail

The trail started off pretty gentle through some open woods. The trail was broken out by a couple other hikers with snowshoes. Unfortunately they had stepped in the same spots so you needed to have the same stride to step on hard snow. I was bare booting it at this point and was able to do so until about a mile from the summit. At that point I was starting to sink into the snow a couple inches as it was warming up and the sun was hitting the trails some too.

Early section of trail

The hiking was pretty easy going up to Mt. Surprise. This went by quickly and it only took about 1hr 15min to get there. Pretty good for being almost halfway up the trail distance wise.

View near Mt. Surprise

After this the speed went down though. Partly because of getting more tired, but mainly due to the tighter trails, steeper sections, and the ups and downs over humps in the ridge and false summits. Getting closer to the summit, I was glad someone had been up the trail before me. It was easy to follow, but at times I questioned if we were actually on the trail. This was mainly due to what I am guessing is very deep snow in spots on the trail. There were some sections where you were almost on your hands and knees to get under the branches of the trees on the trail. I am guessing you can easily walk under these in the summer.

Branches about 2 feet off the ground in the trail

All this effort was worth it though once I got to the summit. The sky was clear and the view was great. You can see in all directions, but I found I was almost always starring over at the Presidential Range taking it all in. There was almost no wind at all so I only put on my goggles to be used as sunglasses. I had something to eat and drink and looked around. It was very peaceful on the summit as the only noises I heard were the occassional sound of a jet and the snow melting and falling off of the trees. It was great being there with that view in complete silence at times.

Gorgeous view from the summit

View to the North

Mt. Washington summit

With the day being so nice, I took a longer ride home going through Crawford Notch and other places to get some pictures and see some more sights for the day. This made for a nice relaxing ride home.

Mt. Washington Hotel and Presidential Range

For all the pictures from the hike, just go HERE

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